PFS Drive-In Theater at the Navy Yard (Philadelphia, PA)

With the launch of the PFS Drive-In at the Navy Yard, the Philadelphia Film Society can accommodate up to 180 cars per screening on the venue’s 2 drive-in screens. Philadelphia’s extensive community of film lovers are invited to a curated slate of films, all from the safety of your own vehicles. Top-of-the-line digital projection on a large screen fastened to stacked shipping containers create optimal vantage points for the drive-in attendees.

Drive-in Screenings Schedule

Ticket Cost: $12 | $8 for PFS Members | $7 Child (12 & Under)
ONLINE SALES ONLY. Operations will be check-in only, no box office sales at all will be conducted on site. As of September 1, the Philadelphia Film Society will require masking as well as proof of vaccination at its Philadelphia Film Center and PFS Bourse Theater locations. The PFS Drive-In will strictly adhere to City-approved safety guidelines for drive-ins

Location/Get Directions Admiral Peary Way &, League Island Blvd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19112

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